There are many places where individuals, families, and their supports can seek additional information. We have provided links to many of the community resources for your convenience. As you will see, there are links to support groups, associations, community activities, and many other services! If there is a resource you are looking for and do not see on our page, please contact us via the request more info link and we will do the best we can to connect you to the appropriate information!

Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc.
Idaho Parents Unlimited supports, educates, and empowers to enhance the quality of life for Idahoans with disabilities and their families.
Visit their Website (IA) is a resource guide to help families find the resources they need to help their loved ones suffering with autism. This includes, but is not limited to, the latest, best treatment and services that are available to them.
Visit their Website

Boise Schools - Self Rescue Manual
The Self Rescue Manual is a guide to all community resources and supports in the Ada County including vision, dental, legal, support groups, and much more. (Manual De Auto Rescate)
Visit their Website

Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities
The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities promotes the capacity of people with developmental disabilities and their families to determine, access, and direct the services and/or support they need to live the lives they choose. This council also assists the building process of the community's ability to support their choices.
Visit their Website

State Independent Living Council - SILC
The Idaho State Independent Living Council aspires to promote a philosophy of independent living, including consumer control, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access, and individual and system advocacy in order to maximize opportunities for individuals with disabilities, and the integration and full inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the mainstream of society.
Visit their Website

Administration for Community Living
ACL brings together the efforts and achievements of the Administration on Aging, the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and the HHS Office on Disability to serve as the Federal agency responsible for increasing access to community supports, while focusing attention and resources on the unique needs of older Americans and people with disabilities across the lifespan.
Visit their Website

Cerebral Palsy Group
The Cerebral Palsy Group is dedicated to providing information, materials, and resources to both families as well as those who have been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.​ The Cerebral Palsy Group is an online resource for anyone who has been affected by Cerebral Palsy, brain injuries, or birth injuries.
(Cerebral Palsy is a name given to a set of nerve disorders which affect muscle coordination and body movement. Each year, roughly 10,000 babies are born with cerebral palsy.)
Visit their Website

DisAbility Rights Idaho
DisAbility Rights Idaho assists people with disabilities to protect, promote and advance their legal and human rights through quality legal, individual, and system advocacy.
Visit their Website

OPTUM - Idaho Behavioral Health Plan
Optum Idaho manages the behavioral health outpatient (patients that receive medical treatment without admittance to a hospital) benefits statewide for Idaho. They are a mental health, substance use, and recovery resource for all Idahoans.
Visit their Website

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
The Department of Health and Welfare can help provide a number of services to assist adults and children with developmental disabilities. Descriptions of services and resources are located on their website.
Visit their Website

Center on Disabilities and Human Development
Idaho’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). There are over 67 UCEDDs throughout the U.S. and its territories. All UCEDDs strive, through education, outreach, research, and service, to accomplish a shared vision that foresees a nation in which all Americans, including Americans with disabilities, participate fully in their communities.
Visit their Website

National Association of Councils on
Developmental Disabilities
NACDD serves as the National Voice of State and Territorial Councils on Developmental Disabilities. We support Councils in implementing the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act promoting the interest and rights of people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Visit their Website

NAMI Idaho
NAMI Idaho is the state organization chartered by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), a nationwide organization dedicated to support, education, advocacy and research on behalf of people living with mental illness and their families.
Visit their Website

Miss Amazing
"We’re a community of people that invest in the strengths
of girls and women with disabilities."
Idaho Miss Amazing, Inc provides opportunities for girls and women with disabilities to build confidence and self-esteem in a supportive environment.
"Because girls with disabilities can and do accomplish amazing things."
Visit their Website